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Stifado Recipe - Hearty Greek & Cypriot Beef Stew

Prepare time

10 minutes

Cooking time

15 minutes


4 people


🥩 Beef: 500 grams
🧅 Baby onions or small shallots: 300 grams
🫒 Olive oil: 2 tablespoons
🍅 Tomato purée: 1 cup
🍷 Red wine: 75 milliliters
🍅 Tomato paste: 1 tablespoon
🧄 Garlic: 1 teaspoon
🌿 Cloves: 4 pieces
🍃 Bay leaves: 2 pieces
🌿 Cinnamon stick: 1 piece
🍯 Sugar: 1 teaspoon
🌿 Rosemary: 1 small sprig
🧂 Salt and pepper: to taste

Pro Tips

Slow Cooking: Ensure tender, flavorful beef by cooking slowly. Fresh Ingredients: Use fresh spices for a richer taste. Red Wine Selection: Choose a good quality red wine to enhance the stew's flavor. people


1️⃣ Start by frying the beef in a little oil until it turns brown.
2️⃣ Remove the beef from the pot. In the same pot, sauté the peeled onions in 2 tablespoons of olive oil until golden.
3️⃣ Return the beef to the pot and mix with the onions.
4️⃣ Add tomato purée, garlic, tomato paste, and red wine to the beef and onion mixture.
5️⃣ Season with sugar, salt, and pepper.
6️⃣ Add the cinnamon stick, cloves, bay leaves, and rosemary to the pot.
7️⃣ Cover the pot and let it cook for 2.5 to 3 hours on the stove or in the oven.

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